Do you have a dream, goal, or project that just isn't going anywhere?

INFPs are natural creatives and often have dreams and ambitions around their creative work. But they get stuck when they try to use traditional productivity methods that feel stressful and inauthentic.

Traditional productivity places an emphasis on linear thinking and planning, tight scheduling, and maximum efficiency. These things go against the natural rhythms of INFPs and instead of helping you get to where you want to go, will leave you feeling hopeless and incompetent.

The Productivity For INFPs Online Course is designed specifically for how INFPs operate best and will allow you to:

  • Complete your work and projects in a timely and relaxed fashion
  • Achieve your goals with enjoyment and authenticity
  • Gain awareness of your unique strengths and how to utilize them to your advantage
  • Play, create, explore and experiment. :)

What do you want to create?

Course Details:

What do you want to grow?

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Productivity For INFPs Online Course

Be yourself. Do more. Feel great.

129.00 USD

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Have a great day!

If you'd like to pay with PayPal, click here to go to the course page in my Ko-fi store and you can use PayPal there.

What you will gain from this course:

  • A method for goal setting that allows for flow, movement and freedom.
  • The know-how and confidence to use your intuition for making decisions with ease.
  • A method for scheduling your day that actually works for you.
  • The ability to not only manage variety, but to thrive with it.
  • The strength to be imperfect and put yourself out there anyway.
  • An understanding of how to manage your energy effectively for the best results.
  • An ability to cultivate relaxation while being productive.
  • An ability to embrace the natural ebb and flow of uncertainty, and use it to your advantage.
  • An understanding of how to do less while achieving more.
  • The ability to have fun and enjoy yourself while boosting your productive energy.
  • An understanding of how to get started and move forward in the presence of fear.
  • A place to play, create, explore and experiment.

Who is the course for?

Who is the course not for?

Course Table of Contents

Starting and Moving Forward

Very Small Steps

Dealing with Distractions

Focus on the Process

Goal Setting and Completing Things

Flexible Goal Setting, Part 1

Flexible Goal Setting, Part 2

Good Enough

Decision Making

Intuition as a Decision Making Tool, Part 1

Intuition as a Decision Making Tool, Part 2

Feeling Your Way Along

Scheduling and Planning

The INFP To-Do List

Managing a Variety of Projects

The Things You Don't Want To Do

Embracing Uncertainty

The Beauty of Mistakes

The In-Between

Life Has Your Back

Ease, Enjoyment, and Rest

Back Off

Enjoyment As An Energy Boost


Who do you want to be?

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This is a preview mode. Product purchase available only in published pages.

Productivity For INFPs Online Course

Be yourself. Do more. Feel great.

129.00 USD

Thank you for your purchase

Have a great day!

If you'd like to pay with PayPal, click here to go to the course page in my Ko-fi store and you can use PayPal there.
