Long-form, in-depth content to empower INFPs.

Are you looking for a quiet place to explore who you are and what you could be?

Are you interested in being more effective in your work and life?

Prefer to read rather than watch video or listen to audio?

You're in the right place. The For INFPs: Dig Deep Newsletter is a place to grow, explore, and be supported as you make your way in the world living, working, and creating. The newsletter covers a variety of topics designed to give INFPs greater self-awareness of their unique skills, abilities, and qualities in order to make an impact on the world around them.

Especially for INFP writers, artists, creatives, and solopreneurs (or those who would like to be), subscribe today to join a community of like-minded souls who seek to know themselves and serve others. 

And have fun at the same time. ;)


    • Exclusive, original, written content (about 1,000 words) on topics relevant to the growth and development of INFPs.
    • Access to full newsletter archives (40+ issues and growing).
    • Receive a free ebook copy of my book Productivity for INFPs (sells for $5.99) after subscribing.
    • Access exclusive discounts to my courses and workshops.
    • Issues released every two weeks on Tuesdays.
    • Yearly or monthly subscription options.
    • Easily cancel anytime. 
    • Non-INFPs are welcome. ;)

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    For INFPs: Dig Deep Newsletter

    Dig deeper, reach higher.

    3.00 USD / month

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    Have a great day!

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    For INFPs: Dig Deep Newsletter

    Dig deeper, reach higher.

    30.00 USD / year

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    Have a great day!

    Sample some previous issues.

    About Amanda Linehan
